Our Team

The Whistleblowing International Network is only possible with the help and support of many talented individuals and organisations. Our current team is displayed on this page with background information on our passionate and dedicated staff. Below you will also find our Trustees - all experienced professionals in the world of whistleblowing and with the majority being elected from our member organisations. (found here).


Please take a look to learn more about the wonderful individuals that make WIN the vital whistleblowing network that it is. 


You may notice that our team of staff is small and we can't always respond to inquiries as quickly as we would like. But please do continue to contact us and we will strive to answer as quickly as possible.

WIN Staff

Anna Myers

Executive Director

Juliette Decoster

Senior Adviser

Ed Haswell

Communications and Administrative Officer

Willie Anderson

Finance Officer

Ida Nowers

Law and Advocacy Manager

WIN Trustees

Chido Onumah

Chair of the Board

Elizabeth Gardiner

Vice-Chair of the Board

Vladimir Radomirović

Tom Devine

Giorgio Fraschini

David Hutton

John Devitt