Whistleblowing Report 2022: An Overview of the State of Whistleblowing in Italy

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Whistleblowing Report 2022: An Overview of the State of Whistleblowing in Italy.

The 15th July, 2023 heralded the entry of Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, which implements the transposition of the European Directive n.1937/2019 concerning the protection of persons who report violations of Union law into Italian law. Transparency International Italy published their Whistleblowing Report 2022 on the same day to report on the current state of play - evaluating and investigating whistleblowing in Italy and their activities in the field.

The report discusses the transposition of the EU Directive on whistleblowing and the lack of involvement of many external actors - except for the National Anti-Corruption Authority which has been actively engaged. TI Italy points out that the lack of a transparent and participatory process to ensure the effective transposition of the EU Directive into Italian law has resulted in a weak decree that suffers from a lack of knowledge and practical expertise such as that gained over many years by TI Italy. 

The report's content explores the activities of Transparency International Italia within 2022 including the development and the use of the free WhistleblowingPA platform - a collaboration between TI Italy and Whistleblowing Solutions Impresa Sociale available free to all public administration bodies to use to communicate with whistleblowers.

(This report is written in Italian)