
Eurocadres is the trade union voice of almost six million European Professionals and Managers. We voice the cross-sectoral interest of professionals and managers through advocacy, social dialogue and joint work with member organisations and cooperation partners. Eurocadres aims to be a trade union driver of change for a stronger knowledge-based Europe, real freedom of mobility and quality in working life for European professionals and managers.  

Whistleblowing is as intricately linked to our work as a trade union organisation, and integral to worker well-being and professional ethics, as workers need to be safe to speak out when they notice wrongdoing. 

Eurocadres’ main priority in its advocacy and campaign work over the past few years has been to secure a legal protection for whistleblowers in the EU.  We founded the platform WhistleblowerProtection.EU which was instrumental in facilitating the cross-border civil society collaboration and campaigning for EU-wide whistleblowing protections. The successful adoption of the European Union Directive on the Protection of Persons Reporting Breaches can be largely attributed to the platform’s active lobbying. Eurocadres remains  committed to raising awareness of the importance of whistleblowing among all trade unions. 
