Transparency International Italy

Transparency International Italia has been working on whistleblowing for the last ten years. Since 2009, we have campaigned for a specific law and regulations on whistleblowing. We were called to draft a bill of law, to participate to consultations and hearings on different law proposals. We have also been working with public and private organisations in setting up internal procedures based on international best practices. We released a specific manual for organisations have organised several public events to promote whistleblowing - starting with seminars and conferences for practitioners and then training sessions for workers and public events with citizens. As a result of these activities, whistleblowing in Italy is easily associated to Transparency International Italia and we have an active agreement with the National Anticorruption Agency, the institutional reference for whistleblowing in Italy.   In the last five years, through our ALAC (Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre) programme, we advised over 800 people who wanted to report corruption cases - most of them being whistleblowers. We help them preparing a report, we explain their rights and we act as “intermediaries” between whistleblowers and institutions where neccessary.   Along with the Whistleblowing Solutions - the NGO that developed the open source software for Globaleaks - we are active promoters of the use of secure IT platforms for whistleblowing. We jointly launched a programme, WhistleblowingPA, to provide institutions a free and specific whistleblowing platform compliant with Italian Law (almost 2000 public administrations have already joined this project).
