EU Whistleblower Directive Transposition Essentials for Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom

May 12, 2020
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WIN, in conjunction with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and Free Press Unlimited (FPU) have created a transposition essentials fact sheet for freedom of expression and media freedom during the transposition of the EU Whistleblower Directive 2019/1937. 
Legal uncertainty silences whistleblowers. It is important to ensure that any uncertainty in the language of the provisions is interpreted positively in favour of whistleblower protection and media freedom and to advocate for stronger protections at the national level. If the Directive is poorly understood and minimally transposed nationally, it risks undermining the very protections and media freedoms it is designed to promote. This tip sheet for policymakers, journalist organisations and civil society advocates provides a snapshot of the key provisions to watch and what needs to be advocated at the national level.
The factsheet can read and downloaded here.
If you would like to highlight your whistleblowing events or activities on the WIN website, please drop us a line on