EU Whistleblowing Monitor - December & January 2024 Roundup

February 05, 2024
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December & January 2024 Roundup 


This is the monthly roundup of updates provided by the EU Whistleblowing Monitor team of country editors detailing national developments in the transposition of the EU Directive on Whistleblowing during December 2023 and January 2024.

It has been nearly two years since the deadline for all Member States to have fully transposed Directive 2019/1937. 25 countries have adopted transposition legislation; two countries are still listed as delayed.

No country can be yet considered fully transposed - the EU Commission started and progressed infringement proceedings against most Member States and made referrals to the European Court of Justice for transposition failure. The conformity study assessing Member States transposition efforts is currently underway.


  • Poland: Minister announces commitment to transposition, and new case shows potential direct effect of Directive
  • Slovakia: Proposed reforms to whistleblowing law pose EU conflict, alarming civil society and prompting funding and infringement threat
  • Croatia: Concerns proposed reforms of penal code restrict whistleblowing rights
  • Estonia: Draft whistleblowing law progresses through Parliament



EU Whistleblowing Monitor Webinar Evolving European Whistleblower Rights: 2 Years of the Directive Recording available on WIN's YouTube Channel 


Twenty-five Member States have now adopted Transposition Laws:



Transposition Bills have been issued in at least two countries:



All these and more can be found on the Monitor Resources and Roundup pages.