Civil society has organised an event, EU Protection for Whistleblowers: the Future of the New Directive, on 17th April 2019 at the European Parliament to mark the adoption of a new directive to protect whistleblowers in Europe.
Parliamentarians from the European Parliament and the Council of Europe as well as civil society advocates and guest speaker, Antoine Deltour of #LuxLeaks, will meet to discuss what this new directive can and should mean for Europe.
In the final session before the EU elections, the European Parliament will vote for a new EU Directive to protect whistleblowers in Europe. WIN and its members were delighted and wholly committed to working with Eurocadres, Transparency International Europe, and many other civil society organisations participating in a range of advocacy efforts.
As the scandals revealed by whistleblowers in the #LuxLeaks and #PanamaPapers investigations continue to reverberate around Europe and the world, and new information sheds light on wrongdoing affecting our financial systems, our food, and our environment, civil society played an essential role in ensuring that the new EU directive provided a sound basis on which we can all work to protect whistleblowers in Europe. The coordinated and collaborative work of those involved demonstrates just what can be achieved when civil society actors bring their combined expertise to bear on decisions that will affect the whole of Europe.
Join us as we assess the impact of this breakthrough in the ongoing campaign for effective whistleblower protection and as we take a moment to prepare for the work ahead. Our work now is to turn legal rights into active protection and to advance whistleblowing disclosures to achieve lasting change in the public interest!
For more background, see cases from each of the EU Member States which demonstrate the public interest importance of legal, institutional and public support for individual whistleblowers.
5th April 2019