New Podcast Alert: Episode 3 | Culture & Justice: Europe & Latin America

March 27, 2023
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The final episode of a special 3-part series from the Whistleblowing International Network (WIN) and historian Kaeten Mistry is now available to listen to online on all major podcast providers. 

The series explores the history of secrecy around the world, the importance of holding governments to account in the most sensitive areas of state conduct, and the failure to properly protect national security whistleblowers. We speak to international experts working to enhance whistleblowing protection, defend press freedom, and bolster civil society. And we examine how secrecy and liberty, security, and openness became competing concepts within democratic societies. We consider these questions within and across national and regional boundaries, looking at the UK, the US, Europe, and Latin America. 

Episode 3 | Culture & Justice: Europe & Latin America

This week’s episode looks at the Europe and Latin America. Events in the UK and US often dominate the agenda when it comes to secrecy and whistleblowing, but the debates and traditions outside the Anglosphere is a crucial part of the discussion. Today we explore these different secrecy cultures and the indigenous roots of concepts and civil society action. And we grapple with the role of historical memory and the legacy of authoritarian regimes.

To unpack this, we sit down with two leading experts on whistleblowing in Europe and Latin America. Bruno Galizzi, co-founder of the European Whistleblowing Institute, and Jean-Philippe Foegle, a jurist who was instrumental in drafting and passing the new French whistleblower law, which was adopted in March of 2022.

If you enjoy the podcast please feel free to share on Twitter using the #WBNowandThen. You can listen to preivous episodes here 

Additonal Reading 

Le Monde – Lanceurs d'alerte, histoire d'un concept

A podcast by prominent french newspaper Le Monde about the history of whistleblowers in the French context, and how the term “lanceur d'alerte” was coined.

Conseil d'Etat – Les droit d'alerte : signaler, traiter, protéger

A landmark report by the french council of state on whistleblowers, which inspired the 2016 “Sapin 2” law and contributed to the legitimization of whistleblowers in France.

Lanceur d'alerte :entretien avec Francis Chateauraynaud

An interview with Francis Chateauraynaud, the sociologist who coined the notion of 'lanceur d'alerte' in the 90's.

Serge Slama, Jean-Philippe Foegle, L'efficacité de la protection des lanceurs d'alertes à l'aune des recommandations du Conseil de l'Europe et des bonnes pratiques étrangères (report for the Ministry of Justice)

A report that gives an overview of the history of the legal protection of whistleblowers and provides recommendations on how to improve the legal framework based on Council of Europe's recommendations.

Argentina, 1985  (2022)
A film inspired by the true story of Julio Strassera, Luis Moreno Ocampo and their young legal team of  battling to prosecute Argentina’s military dictatorship to bring justice to the victims of the Military Junta.  Informe Latamleaks - La necesaria introducción de la figura del alertador - Mexico, Colombia y Argentina
By Daniel Amoedo and coordinated by Bruno Galizzi Un pueblo traicionado. España de 1876 a nuestros días: corrupción, incompetencia política y división social - Paul Preston
A book by Paul Preston which follows the history of the Spanish political class between the Bourbon restoration of 1874 in the figure of Alfonso XII and the beginning of the reign of his great-great-grandson Felipe VI in 2014.

Lives sacrificed for corruption | El Pais

An article by Jesus Garcia Bueno and J.J. Galvez dicussing the whistleblowers of the 'Gürtel' and 'Malaya' cases urging the application in Spain of the European Directive to protect whistleblowers. Entrevistamos a denunciantes de corrupción | Joan Llinares

Fundación Hay Derecho interview with Joan Llinares, whistleblower and Director of the Anti Fraud Agency in Valencia, Spain.