Pištaljka Reporter Facing Legal Action by Serbian Rowing Federation Secretary

June 03, 2024
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The following article takes information and quotes from Pištaljka's two original articles - 'Serbian Rowing Federation Secretary Requests Prison for Pištaljka's Reporter' and 'Secretary of Serbian Rowing Federation Sues Pištaljka' that provide more detail on the topic. 

WIN Member Pištaljka's Reporter Snezana Djurić is facing legal action by the General Secretary of the Rowing Federation of Serbia, Vladimir Antić, requesting they receive imprisonment for the criminal offence of "unauthorised publication and display of other people's files, portraits and videos", the lawsuit also demands that the journalist be criminally convicted for insult.

Pištaljka originally reported on Vladimir Antić's management of the Rowing Federation of Serbia and how the World Rowing Federation suspended the federation due to the debt the organisation had gained from two world competitions and therefore banned Serbian rowers from participating in the upcoming Olympic Games, this was also reported by the world media. Pištaljka also reported and supported one of the two whistleblowers who were fired by Vladimir Antić four years ago after they pointed out illegalities, as Antic claims, they were dismissed because they "declared themselves to be whistleblowers", and they were fired because they violated their "work obligation". 

Vladimir Antić sued Pištaljka and editor-in-chief Vladimir Radomirović with a request to remove from Pištaljka's website the text about the fate of the whistleblowers. 

Now Vladimir Antić is taking things further by suing Pištaljka's Reporter Snezana Djurić for the use of his photo in this article, which was taken from the official website of the Rowing Federation of Serbia. Despite the fact that the lawsuit does not deny any facts in the article and that the photo used is publicly available on the website of the association financed from the state budget, the Second Basic Court in Belgrade accepted to adjudicate this case and scheduled the first hearing for September this year.

Pištaljka states that like previous lawsuits against them by Vladimir Antić, this is being used to discredit whistleblowers, those being the two whistleblowers fired by Vladimir Antić at the Rowing Federation of Serbia and who one of the whistleblowers Pištaljka represented in court.

Photo by Boris Hamer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-rowing-on-danube-in-belgrade-17886362/