WildLeaks 10th Anniversary

December 05, 2024
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The 4th of December saw the tenth anniversary of WildLeaks, the world's first environmental whistleblowing initiative created by the NGO Earth League International utilising the open-source GlobaLeaks software. The initiative receives and evaluates anonymous information and tips regarding environmental and wildlife crime, and then transforms those tips into concrete action—potentially actionable intelligence that can be shared with others to further hold these crimes accountable.

Earth League International the organisation behind WildLeaks, identifies and investigates the most important environmental criminals and transnational wildlife trafficking networks globally, including their links to Transnational Organized Crime and other serious crimes, such as human smuggling, money laundering, drug trafficking, and corruption. What they found in their investigations and intelligence was the need for an anonymous space for whistleblowers to submit intelligence from all over the world for ELI to investigate, thus WildLeaks was initiated in 2014.

“Wildlife and environmental crimes often go unchallenged because people cannot speak up. WildLeaks empowers whistleblowers to help expose these crimes and bring justice.” - ELI Executive Director, Andrea Crosta

WildLeaks' first report 'THE WORLD’S FIRST WHISTLEBLOWER INITIATIVE DEDICATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL/WILDLIFE CRIME' looks at the work that ELI and its initiative have been able to achieve and provides awareness of the many concerns and challenges environmental crime has.

For this wishing to support WildLeaks and the work ELI does, please see their donation page here.